Scale New Heights
Corporate Training


With her years of corporate training experience, Ruth brings a fresh perspective to Real Estate training. Her understanding and application of Adult Learning Principles means you get a session that is “facilitated” instead of “lectured,” “student focused” instead of “teacher focused.”

Whether it is a designation course or a course she has designed, you will find value and quality.

Designation and Other Courses:

SRES®  (Seniors Real Estate Specialist®) - 2 days

Ruth is a certified instructor for the Seniors Real Estate Specialist®  designation. This course, offered by the Real Estate Buyers Agent Council (REBAC® ), looks at the growing Senior Market. With 78 million Baby Boomers looking toward their own retirement, their parents’ and grandparents’ housing needs, and the housing needs of their adult children, this market is ready for agents who know how to communicate effectively with different age groups, and who know where the best resources and information can be found.

At Home With Diversity® - 1 day (or two half-days)

Ruth is certified by the National Association of REALTORS®  to provide the At Home With Diversity®  program. This eight hour program focuses on the changing demographics of the real estate market. You’ll learn strategies and tools that you can use to reach emerging markets and expand minority homeownerships in your area. You’ll also learn how stereotypes and assumptions can limit your effectiveness with customers from different cultures. You’ll learn the appropriate ways to prevent or eliminate discriminatory practices through Fair Housing Initiatives. And, most importantly, you’ll leave with a plan for incorporating diversity into your marketing and customer interactions.

Accredited Buyer’s Representative® - 2 days 

Ruth is certified by the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council®  of the National Association of REALTORS®  to provide the initial two-day ABR designation course. This program focuses on the unique skills required to appropriately represent a Buyer, including service expectations and fiduciary responsibilities. Methods and tools for strengthening your knowledge of buyer representation are covered. When the course is completed, you will understand the value – and profitability – of being a Buyer’s Agent.

Green® Core Class - 2 days and Residential Elective Class - 1 day 

NAR's®  GREEN®  Designation Core Course provides real estate professionals with a foundation of knowledge and awareness of green building principle as it is applied to residences, commercial properties, developments, and communities so they can help consumers in purchasing, retrofitting, and operating green properties.
NAR’s® GREEN® Residential Course focuses on more advanced information on green strategies and practices as it relates to residential real estate. There is information on green design factors, green home construction, marketing of green properties, and ways to bring green to your daily living.





e-Buyer® - 1 day 

With their mastery of personal computer and Internet basics, students in this course focus on understanding and working with Internet-savvy buyers.  Learn about the generational differences in communication styles, technology tools, and customer expectations with knowledgeable buyers.


 One of the most important aspects of buying a home, and, perhaps, the least understood is that of financing. This course will provide the knowledge to lead your clients toward financing best suited to their needs.

Reverse Mortgages and YOU!- 3.0 hours 

A 3 hour program for real estate professionals that will prepare the for changing senior market. The session will review information on seniors' demographics, market conditions, reverse mortgage basics, and the new HECM for Purchase!

Ruth has already created these programs, ranging from internal needs (leadership, team building) to external forces (demographics, diversity, customer service). They can be given at the location of your choice with minimal lead time and preparation.  

  • Changing Customer Expectations
  • Niche Marketing
  • Diversity – Global and Local
  • Demographic Shifts
  • The Growing Senior Market
  • Leadership Fundamentals
  • Time and Meeting Management
  • Building an Effective Team
  • Coaching for Success
  • Concierge Customer Service
  • Movies to Manage By
  • Behavioral Interviewing – Matching People, Organizations, and Jobs
  • Train-The-Trainer in You
  • The Power of Future Conversations
  • Using Feng Shui to Sell Your Listings
  • Starting Your Own Business – The Top Ten Elements Needed for Success
  • REALTOR® Safety – Don’t be a victim
  • The Top Five Waves of Change - Preparing for the Future

Ruth will be happy to work with you in submitting any of her programs to your state for Continuing Education Credit. Depending on your state’s specifications. She does require a nonrefundable deposit of her instructor / presenter fee to  reserve her calendar for the class and  cover the costs of her time. Any deposit received WILL be credited toward her fee in delivering your class.

Keep in mind, Ruth can design new courses and presentations, or modify existing ones, based on your unique needs. Additionally, more offerings are added to the Scale New Heights catalog regularly. To keep abreast of Ruth's newest offerings, sign up for her free  newsletter, which includes expert advice and articles!





The 1,2,3’s of Accessibility: The Coming Wave of Housing for “The Future” – 3.0 hours

Whether just starting out and moving furniture into your first home, transitioning to family life with baby carriages, or coping with walkers or wheelchairs, an accessible home is valuable at all stages of life.  Learn about how Accessibility and Fair Housing laws apply to mobility impaired and aging populations. Know the seven Universal Design Principles and how accessible homes can benefit the consumer, builder, and real estate agent.

Residential Finance Specialist - 20/20 Financing for Real Estate - 2 days 

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