Scale New Heights
Corporate Training


coaching: (kch) verb. to instruct, support, and train another, to privately tutor.

Sometimes, that extra collaboration - knowing that someone else is there for you - can make all the difference in the world. Both individuals and businesses can benefit from an objective third-party perspective and the motivation that accountability to someone else creates. As a former manager and Human Resources professional (read more), Ruth has provided coaching in a wide range of situations, from helping to set goals and objectives to creating personal and professional action plans.


  • Do you need to better balance your personal and professional life?
  • Do you want to be better organized – get more done in less time?
  • Do you want to communicate more effectively with others? Convey your messages using appropriate tools and techniques?
  • Do you just need some motivation to reenergize your lifestyle and nutritional habits?


  • Are you starting a new business? What are the Top Ten elements that every new business needs to consider to be successful?
  • Do you know what your company’s mission is? What is the company’s vision? What are the strategies to apply the mission and vision?
  • How effective are your current internal processes? Your external processes?
  • What are the factors that are influencing your success?
  • Do you need help brainstorming new ideas? Getting new customers? Developing new markets?

The key to successful growth and change is accountability. Working with a coach requires commitment, serious effort, clear expectations, and realistic goals. Together, Ruth’s personalized, individualized coaching can provide you with just the right keys to your success.

© Copyright 2008 Scale New Heights and Ruth Fennell. All Rights Reserved.
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